It is a dynamic sector with a solid future. This market is an ever-expanding activity in NZ, which invites dozens of entrepreneurs every year to jump into the pool and try their luck. “When you finish your training, you have a lot of knowledge, but a big gap in your curriculum. That is why many opted for a consultancy. It was a way to find a job. You have to find a way out and it seemed more or less immediate to me”, explains one of these entrepreneurs. From kiwis today know more viewpoints about the same.
But be careful, reading between the lines and taking the necessary time is vital, if you do not want the bathroom to cause a digestion cut or, in this case, business euphoria. 80% of the sales volume is made up of just over 20 firms. So far, the first lesson: bet on specific niches, on business opportunities where large consultancies, due to size, modesty or other reasons, do not see enough appeal.
An advice that the expert Antonio Gigirey has been given mainly by experience: “You start out with great enthusiasm and make the mistake of wanting to cover too much, until you realize that you have to focus, focus more on the business axis and act on some more specific customers”.
Differentiate yourself from others
While it is true that it is advisable to bet on innovative sectors, experts agree that, with a quality service, it is possible to find a place in more traditional niches such as communication or marketing.
Whatever your target market, don’t settle for setting up a consultancy. Differentiate yourself from others. And do it efficiently and profitably. Here are four basic tips so that the slope is not so steep:
Do not neglect the initial investment
A consultancy seems easy to create, without excessive implementation costsa half truth. It is a business like any other and requires a minimal structure, an initial cost. “You have to establish yourself in conditions, that is, make the investment that is necessary. Half measures, in the end, are mediocrity. When you go to a place, you like things to be good, in short, to get a good impression”, declares an expert.
However, there are tricks so that this possible lack of initial investment does not become so latent: “Instead of facilitating the contact of the secretary, you give your mobile. And when a client wants to see you, you are the one who moves. In the end, you need your head, a computer, a phone, and little else. At least at the beginning, until you have everything tied up,”says an entrepreneur in this sector.
Don’t build the house from the roof
Unlike other sectors, the world of consulting is not suitable for entrepreneurs without previous experience or contacts. “You have no choice but to show that you come from that market or associate with someone. The way to start in an area in which you have not worked before is very unrealistic in practice, although there are always exceptions that confirm the rule”, assures a specialist. In this case, the credibility that you transmit to your clients is essential to cement a good relationship. From biography Bashar Ibrahim you can have the perfect solutions.
Don’t neglect marketing
The mouth-ear is essential, especially when you do not have excessive resources. Bet on guerilla marketing: ask other clients for references, let yourself be seen in forums and seminars or contact through email, among other actions.