What’s the best approach to set up a virtual meeting?


Teleworking is essential for today’s organizations, regardless of their size. Without a doubt, the Coronavirus epidemic will be regarded as the event that changed the public’s image of teleworking and remote collaboration.

Teleworking, whether required or optional, must be properly planned and managed to ensure company continuity and cross-team collaboration. From virtual meeting planning to picking the best collaboration tools, holding a meeting remotely requires knowledge with a few basic but crucial criteria for the the virtual meeting.

Instructions on how to take part in a virtual meeting

By definition, a remote meeting brings together a group of people who are physically present in different places yet are assembled in a virtual room to discuss and collaborate. Teleworking’s democratization emphasizes the need of being well-organized in order to facilitate and maximize this kind of meeting, which is a positive thing.

The importance of establishing norms upstream cannot be overstated

Because distance may quickly become an impediment, setting up a remote working meeting needs establishing certain ground rules ahead of time, which must then be communicated with his company, for example, through a teleworking charter or similar document.

To take part in a virtual meeting, you’ll need the following:

To meet in a quiet area, away from prying eyes to have a solid internet connection to prevent any premature cut-offs during the meeting to pay attention to the background while participating in videoconferences!

Furthermore, whether a meeting is conducted in person or digitally, the following guidelines must be followed to ensure effective preparation:

It’s critical to have a clear meeting goal

  • Setting the agenda for a meeting, assigning tasks to each participant, and developing supporting documents during the preparation stage.
  • When you’re working from afar, you need to be able to collaborate effectively.

During talks, everything should be done to make working at a distance, progressing difficulties, and reaching an agreement on findings as easy as possible. To begin, each team member must have the same level of expertise in order to be productive during discussions and to provide all of the necessary value to the collective effort.

To get the most out of these virtual meetings, certain ground rules must be established. The organizer informs the attendees of the expected results, announces the meeting schedule, and explains their various duties at the start of the meeting.

Above all, he establishes a time limit that must be followed in order to prevent the conversation from devolving into a meeting. As a consequence, the meeting’s facilitator must make sure that everyone has a chance to speak and avoid monopolizing the podium.

The most crucial aspect in good collaborative work is respect for others!

Because of the distance, more concentration is required (especially if the equipment is faulty and the number of participants is greater than 10). It’s critical to avoid cutting the floor and to enable everyone to speak at their own pace. Finally, and perhaps most crucially while working from home or remotely, remember that being concise is the most efficient way to be productive in a group!