Smart Employees proper Recruitment


The competition for a job is getting fiercer. Although it is impossible to know how to choose the perfect candidate, it is true that companies have it more difficult than several years ago, which makes the personnel selection processes more complicated. Before, everything was based on interviews. At present this is not enough and other means are used, such as psychotechnical tests, personality tests and group dynamics. In this article we are going to learn more about what group dynamics are and what to achieve with them. We will also see some examples of group dynamics that are usually carried out in companies. Are you interested? In that case, stay around here, you will see how this topic is even fun for you. From the recruitment agency malaysia you can have the employees who are properly tested in every way.

What are group dynamics?

Group dynamics are used in many contexts, but here we are going to stick to business. Thus, the following definition corresponds to it:

The group dynamics in the selection of personnel are tests that allow to see the person in all his dimensions to know his competences, capacities, group work and everything that the company needs to know.

For this reason, more and more companies are resorting to this type of selection tests. Group dynamics is a whole discipline within sociology that, as the definition says, studies the behavior of people within human groups. This is why group dynamics and techniques are widely used in different areas. Perhaps you have not gone through group dynamics in personnel selection but you have in other areas. For example, in camps or different informal meetings, group dynamics are held. In these cases the dynamics are like games adapted to adults, youth or children and they are intended to be fun. To give an example, a therapy group might start with an introductory group dynamic, like saying a name and a hobby, and encourage another person to do the same. Starting like this makes the session more relaxed. This type of dynamic that we have just explained is not used much in personnel selection, but we show it to you to give you an idea.

Group dynamics techniques

The techniques of group dynamics are methods of organizing and developing the activity of a group . There are several types of techniques, but we are going to explain only the group dynamics in job interviews . In them, groups of a maximum of 10 participants are formed.

Brainstorming or brainstorming

The goal of brainstorming is to exercise your imagination in finding solutions. The organizers present a theme and the candidates express their point of view without restriction. The topic presented is usually related to:

  • Proposals for improvement for the company.
  • Ideas about new products or services.
  • Alternatives to solve a problem.

Real cases of the company itself or fictitious ones can be taken as a starting point.

The forum

This technique is widely used. Those responsible for the dynamics, who are usually Human Resources employees, propose a topic for discussion and each participant gives their opinion freely. In this case, there is one person moderating the group and other taking notes. The rest of the participants are the candidates for company workers.