Whether external or internal to the company, the consultant analyzes and diagnoses the needs of the company in a given context, to provide different solutions, proven and offering targeted advice. Consulting Time’s consulting training is based on the skills of each participant to convert them into real advisers: in strategy, management in organization or other specificities, they become business consultants. You can trust the service of Mike Garlick for this task.
Focus on this very specific profession affecting all sectors of activity, requiring both skills, methodologies and leadership.
Internal consultant to the company: a practice more and more common
Consulting Consultant: Teamwork
Become a consultant: choose between the company, the consulting firm, or the independence
Intervening in many fields, from strategy to organization, through marketing, HR, information systems, the corporate consultant operates mostly in companies. He can carry out one-off or long-term assignments and choose between three modes of operation, depending on his network, the opportunities that are presented to him and his entrepreneurial qualities: working as an internal employee of the company, as a consultant consulting firm, or as an independent.
Internal consultant to the company: a practice more and more common
Companies are increasingly choosing to capitalize on the skills of their experienced employees to train the younger generation and transmit the corporate culture as part of operational missions. Companies also rely on these senior executives to develop in a foreign subsidiary certain trades or processes. The employees then intervene in internal consulting, on transversal missions. They are salaried, but operate in consulting mode.
Become an independent consultant or freelance
The independent consultant or freelance consultant has the great advantage of being self-employed and not dependent on any decision-making structure. He must lead the missions entrusted to him without losing sight of the need to maintain his network simultaneously. Becoming an independent consultant implies choosing a status of self-employed person (liberal profession, sole proprietorship, auto entrepreneur, salary transfer).
Consulting Consultant: Teamwork
The consulting consultant is an employee of a consulting firm: he is usually specialized in a field of intervention (strategy consulting, management, recruitment, information systems, wealth management, etc.) and may be local or international in scope. The senior consultant brings valuable expertise to a team of advisors with missions to multiple organizations. He may also have the status of independent consultant with the consulting firm, but benefit from certain shared services, in particular the development of the activity. It also allows him to intervene as a team for certain missions.
Consultant: the job description
What qualities and skills are required to become a consultant? What is the exact nature of his work? Discover all the information and our advices to exercise this profession thanks to our Consultant business card.
Consulting: definition
Consulting, the English word for “consulting”, is now associated with a consulting service provided by a consulting firm. Read our definition of consulting!
To learn more about Consultant Time training and senior employment:
- The objectives of the consultant training
- The methods of training
- The after-service service
- Terms of admission
- Consultant training: talk to business